Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

The weather these days are scorching hot and humid, isn't it ?
Do drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and stay in cool places.

Another hot stuff are these 2 cute mini cakes. It doesn't look like a mini cake in these pictures but they are. The diameter of the cakes are like 4inches. I should have put several cupcakes around it to show the differences. Next batch of pictures will show you that.

This time around, I've made flower and butterfly motifs to add on to the ladybugs. All the things you find in a beautiful garden.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Selamat Hari Guru

Show your appreciation on this May 16th, 2010, for all the hard-work the teachers have done for you or your kids. They may not be prefect but they have their best interest in you.

God Made Teachers

God understood our thirst for
Knowledge, And Our Need To Be Led
By someone wiser;
He needed a heart of compassion,
Of encouragement, and patience;
Someone who would accept
The Challenge Regardless Of The
Someone who could see potential
And believe in the best in others . . .
So he made teachers
- Author Unknown

Creative Jelly Cakes

I have also added on a new selection - jelly cakes. They are prefect alternatives to traditional cakes. They come in many sizes & shapes. They are delicious & light to the stomach.

So, call/email me if there is a particular design you want.

Have a good week !

We hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day last weekend

Make A Wish

Take a wild guess on what these are ....

You wouldn't believe it if I tell you that these are... candle holders. Yes, candle holders & it act as toppers as well. It is also reusable over & over again. And... it comes with little candles too.

A multi-functional little items that should not be missed out !

Find Cookie Box Here

Yes, you'll find me under the Bakery segment in Empire Gallery.
Yeah !

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Flower Power

I can't help admiring these flower power cupcakes I did. I almost kept it all to myself. To those who have bought it last week, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I do.

Fret not ! There are more to come. But if you want reserve some, call/email me so I'll have it ready for you.

Please note that these are under made-to-order editions, therefore an advance notice is much much appreciate. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bear With Me

Here's another furry animal. One that you can't keep it as a pet. They take up way too much space especially when you stay in a condo/apartment. Imagine the amount of food you need to feed one ! oh boy...

So, let's keep it simple. There's plenty of teddy bears everywhere. I'm sure there are few around the house. So do I. :)

Let's add to the collection with these 3D teddy cupcakes.
I know, I know... they are too cute to eat !

These are under the made-to-order editions.
Call/email me if you are keen to spice up your party/event.

Meow... Woof Woof...

Contrary to popular beliefs, cats and dogs do get along. Except when they are in each other's territories.

They are such lovable animals. They get excited when they sees you (or in hope of getting more food or treats, more likely...). They don't complain or talk back to you. And they are forever loyal to you. And... they look up to you all the time.

Be a responsible animal owners. They need much love and attention from you. And if they mis-behave, train them. Be patience & the sweet reward is worth it.

Here's to the furry animals. :)

These cupcakes are under made-to-order editions.
Do call / email me for more details. You can customize the colors to your liking.

Monday, May 3, 2010

3D Cake Toppers - Flowers & Angels

ohoh.. caught on camera

Hello there...

Take me home with you

It's a beautiful day...

pretty angels in a row

Here's a flower for you

You can't help smiling looking at these 3D design sugar icing cake toppers, don't you ? Each time I look at them, instantly brightens up my day.

Yes, these are made from sugar icing. All edible and a tad too sweet for my taste. But kids or anyone with a sweet tooth would love these.

Happy Baking !

3D Cake Toppers - Animal Series

These cake toppers are so adorable and the best thing is that... these are 3D designs.
They look too cute to eat but they look wonderful on any cakes or cupcakes. A wonderful ice breaker topic among the adults & children alike.

Simple instructions :
* Bake your own cake or cupcakes
* Put a layer of icing on the cake/cupcakes
* Put one (or more, if you like) of these cute animal toppers on top of the icing (so they don't fall off easily)
* Place the cake/cupcakes on serving tray, ready to eat
* Ta-daa... as simple as that.

Have a fun time baking !

Thank You

For those who came & bought Cookie Box's items at Empire Shopping Gallery the past one week, I wish to thank each & everyone of you.

I may not always be there but please feel free to call me or drop me an email if you need anything or to discuss something on your mind for an event or that special day.

Mobile - 019.327.7338
Email -

Talk to you soon ! :)
Have a good week and don't forget... it's Mother's Day this weekend.

Crayon Happy Mother's Day! stamp
Take a cup of thoughtfulness
And add a lot of love,
Blend with smiles as warming
As the sunshine from above,
Add a cheerful spirit
And, of course, a heart that sings
And also the ability
To laugh at little things,
Stir in lots of tenderness
And understanding, too
And there you have the recipe
For mothers dear as you.

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